This is really something to blog about. So the rumor was that it was going to come out Jan 2, and the DLSU site said that the results are coming out "first week of January 2009". Sneaky, S called it. But anyway, I was online... cause I always am. But I was panicking, I mean even if it wasn't sure that it was going to come out that night (Jan 1)--La Salle is notorious for releasing it at MIDNIGHT. It was still the first week of January and it was going to come out soon. I was going out of my mind. Sasa was pressing refresh every ten minutes--compared to a bunch of rats waiting for food. But anyway, I waited. I bugged the hell out of everyone, even ranted out to S. Then suddenly, I get an IM from Fred, a copy paste of her conversation with JR. It was his ref number and ect and he got in. And immediately, I was like IS THIS FOR REAL? Hahahaha she sent me a link and omg i was fucking panicking. It took me ages (like 20 minutes) to type it in and click search. haha my sister checked it for me. and I swear it felt so good ACCEPTED. hahaha my dad got mad cause it was late and I was screaming... ahahaha I AM SO HAPPY.
well this entry is late. but whatever I don't care
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