Last night I was reading the older messages on my cbox and Isa wrote that I forgot to blog about two very important things. I replied that I hope that I would my memory will serve me well and I'll remember. But, I don't. With four months left, I'll try to blog as religiously as Isa and try to document every moment left. But not like her, I think I'll stick to numbers.
1. I think that prom brings out the selfishness in everyone, myself included.
2. Prom also brings out how mean we are.
3. Free period PE rocks. The internet in the IMC wasn't working so Thea, Tatty, Celine and I ended up just making kwento and laughing really hard at this kwento of Celine and her sister's friend :| hahahaha We could not stop laughing.
4. Prom sucks.
5. I really need a prom date.
6. I did have an enjoyable time picking random names from Pat's wet ziploc to decide on prom table arrangements.
7. Apologies.
Well this entry is crap, well the day isn't really anything special since I tasted third year again and spent the entire day talking about prom :|:|:|
things to do:
1. CW revision
2. Physics Quiz
3. Finish Math SW
4. Yearbook essay (look for someone to do it:|)
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