Monday, August 20, 2007

20 things I want to say to certain people...

List 20 things you want to say to certain people but you know you never will.
Don't say who they are.
Then, post the list entitled ' 20 things I want to say to certain people ' .

1. I wish we could go back to summer. I hate the way things are now.
2. I want to be the person you want to talk to.
3. I wish you appreciate our friendship as much as I do.
4. I know you're going through a lot with this and I really want to help you but I can't handle you talking about it with me. So, please just shut up.
5. Fuck me over again, and I swear, bitch, I will fucking kill you.
6. I really try to do better.
7. You think you're so fucking great, you're so fucking intelligent... well, YOU'RE FUCKING FULL OF IT. You really piss me off sometimes.
8. Let's be friends again.
9. Why are we friends? Because you listen to me when no one else does.
10. Why won't you listen to me?
11. Grow up.
12. You fucking bitch. You fucking don't give a shit about anyone but yourself.
13. Stop telling me that I'm not good enough.
15. Thank you for EVERYTHING.
16. Your life is so fucking great, stop moping or wishing how much better it could fucking be or how much more you could do and just live it.
17. I really really really miss you. I wish we could go back to the way our friendship was towards the end of 2006.
18. I'm sorry at the way I, or we ended things. I want to talk to you again.
19. Did you ever care?
20. I hate pretending that I don't like you.

I must stop watching Entourage and stop cursing.


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